How meeco innovates and develops new products

Interview with the Director of meeco India (Pvt) Ltd., Tarun Munjal

Thanks to its entrepreneurial spirit Tarun Munjal, Managing Director of meeco India (Pvt) Ltd., is a decisive part of the innovation department for new clean energy generation, storage and monitoring products. He was responsible for the development of one of the best-selling energy solutions of The meeco Group: the intelligent energy management system sun2safe.

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Key island property equipped with smartly interconnected solar solutions


PV Energy supports Antiguan island to shift to clean energy

Antigua and Barbuda. Another property in the Caribbean twin-island state is now powered by the sun. The clean power provider PV Energy has installed a 51 kWp ground-mounted sun2live solar system in conjunction with a sun2water reverse osmosis on a small neighbouring island situated in the North of Antigua.

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New clean energy joint venture to tackle the Zimbabwean PV market


meeco and Powerspeed Electrical spur the development of solar technology in Africa

Located in Southern Africa, Zimbabwe is one of the sunniest and best irradiated areas in the world. The weather conditions are perfectly suitable for solar energy solutions, which are getting more and more interesting for the government and private investors. In the past the national grid was not always reliable and many companies and households have to deal with load shedding and power cuts.

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meeco creates customised solar solutions for northern countries


Hybrid energy generating and storing system supports Irish client in shaving off electricity costs

The Swiss-based clean energy provider The meeco Group is spreading its solar energy solutions worldwide. Even countries with low radiation – such as Ireland – can benefit from highly customised clean energy systems. One very recent example is a sun2safe solar generation and storage project in South Ireland. On a private property in the country region of Cork meeco has installed a sun2live solar shelter in form of a carport. The roof of this construction consists of 40 polycrystalline solar modules of 250 Wp each providing the main and the guest house with clean energy from the sun.

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Solar energy and storage systems to be introduced in Antigua and Barbuda

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Clean energy provider PV Energy installs several solar solutions across Caribbean twin islands

The inauguration of the 3 MWp sun2live solar power plant at the V.C. Bird International Airport of Antigua represented the conclusion of the first major step of a successful shift from a diesel to a solar-based energy supply in the Caribbean. With the installation of further sun2live and sun2roof solar power generating and storage solutions across Antigua and Barbuda this process is continuing now.

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The meeco Group continues to strive towards a clean future


Study Delphi Energy Future 2040 proves significance of renewables

Worldwide energy systems are undergoing a fundamental transformation.  A steady economic and demographic growth causes an enormous hunger for energy, which many countries are still trying to satisfy with polluting fossil fuels. But at the same time a number of considerable investments into alternative energy sources mark a turning point in terms of fostering smart, clean and reliable energy provision.

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Clean energy to conquer new markets in 2016

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Solar energy provider meeco intends to spread its green power solutions

The year 2015 has been characterized by the world’s commitment to clean energy. At least since the climate agreement at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, held in December 2015 in Paris, there is a global consent to reduce CO2 emissions and to encourage the usage of clean energy sources. The Swiss-based solar energy provider The meeco Group has supported this development through a multitude of successful solar power projects. In retrospective the meeco Group in 2015 has build on the developments of 2014 in terms of product and projects and has executed across all of its global markets a continuously growing number and vast variety of solar power and energy storage. “We could achieve all forecasted results”, assures Thomas Beindorf, Chief Technical Officer (CTO) at meeco.

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How meeco designs and develops its solar energy storage solutions


Interview with the Director of meeco Services Italia S.r.l., Claudio Alberti

Solar energy is a clean and reliable power source. But unfortunately the sun does not shine 24 hours a day and therefore access to sunlight is limited in the morning and in the evening and of course at night. In order to offset this drawback, The meeco Group – a Swiss-based clean energy provider – deployed its solar energy management solution sun2safe, a system pairing solar power with solar storage technology, guaranteeing the stability of the electricity supply and thus solving the issue coming from intermittent sunshine.

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PV Energy Ltd. joins the Antiguan’s and Barbudan’s in raising awareness towards solar power in the island

The clean energy provider attended the CARICOM Energy Awareness Week

Given the 30% rise in energy demand in only one decade – caused by increasing industrialisation and regional development in the Caribbean – the Government of Antigua and Barbuda (GOAB) is looking to augment the fossil fuel based energy supply by renewable energy in order to bridge the power gaps and reduce the twin-island’s reliance on crude oil.

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Successful completion of 3 MWp solar power plant in Antigua


PV Energy finalized clean energy installation at V.C. Bird International Airport

The Government of Antigua and Barbuda (GOAB), together with the UK-based clean energy provider PV Energy Ltd., has lately turned a new page in Caribbean history through the completed installation of a solar energy generation and storage sun2live solution as a partial substitute for fossil fuels in Antiguan electric power generation.

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